Every Thursday, a new set of finished audio fiction is sent to readers around the world. Here's our complete archive.
Featuring BULLET CATCHER & FEEDBACK: A COMEDY OF IMPECCABLE CUSTOMER SERVICE, + 12 complete series, 4 finished seasons, and 1 season restarts!
I'm sitting here staring at the screen trying to figure out what to write in today's preamble... and I got nothing. My mind is on lots of things, like the climate change causing extreme and deadly weather events, the general state of politics, and my upcoming teaching gig at Arizona State (go Devils, I guess?) to name just a few.
But I do have to say thanks to the fine folks at Quiet Please Productions for becoming the latest Supporting Creative of The End! Check out their newest show, Beyond Awakening, which will return soon with a new season. Thanks, Paul. And it was super-smart of you to jump on that before I increased the price. Which I still haven't done yet, but really hope to get to soon.
If you've a few pennies lying around you want to put to good use, check out the Support page for more details. It's dirt cheap, and once you're in, your price never chances.
Let's get into it, shall we?
— Evo
Featuring THE VALLEY & MURDER IN HR, + 4 complete series, and 6 season restarts!
Happy New Year! Though, if I'm honest, I'm not at all looking forward to what this year will bring all of us. Brace yourselves. But enough doom-and-gloom only [checks calendar] two days into the year.
Special thanks to the fine folks at Monkeyman Productions for becoming The End's latest Supporting Creative shop! Their new show, Waiting On October, is still releasing episodes of the first season, so it's not yet in our directory. But it soon will be! Give it a shot if you're the type to like to listen as episodes are being released.
If you're considering supporting The End, I'd advise doing that quickly before the rates go up, something I'd hoped to do over the holiday but I decided doing a mix of nothing and spending time with family and friends were more important. But that's passed, so I'll make those changes soon. Tick tock if you want to lock up the lower prices now and forever.
Let's get into it, shall we?
– Evo
Featuring WINDFALL & DEVISER, + 12 complete series, 9 finished seasons, and 3 season restarts!
Happy Boxing Day! In my house that's the day we box up al the Christmas stuff and shove it in a closet until next year. And congratulations on making it to the final issue of 2024! I'd say something clever about looking forward to next year, but [gestures broadly].
It's a packed issue, thanks again to a couple of tireless audio fiction fans digging deep and uncovering gems we've missed. We've even got a show from 1943 in our directory now!
And speaking of years gone by, I'm featuring the "best of" Collections from the prior two years. And I'll get to work on my " best of" Collection for 2024, since were here now.
I hope Santa or his brother Krampus brought you everything you wanted. And if you're looking for a place to spend that money your great Aunt got you, consider becoming a Supporter of The End. We could use it going into 2025. 😬
Let's get into it, shall we?
– Evo
Featuring "SAINT" NICK AND THE BIG F*CK UP & DESERT SKIES, + 3 complete series, 3 season finales, and 2 season restarts!
Fa la la la la, la la la la. It's the last update newsletter issue before Xmas! I hope you've been nice (though I prefer naughty) and that Santa brings you what you want this year. And if not, I can do my part by bringing you just 10 finished audio fiction shows for your consideration today. Go ahead and unwrap them early, if you like.
You'll note a new Title Sponsor in today's issue and on the site—Phoenix Fan Fusion. I'm working with PHX-based audio fiction creator Conrad Miszuk to put together a series of "live" audio fiction presentations at the event in June. Our small test last year was a big success, so we're expanding to multiple days/slots for 2025. Shoot me a note if you're interested in attending, either as a fan or as a creator. More (yet sparse) details below.
I hope you have a happy Christmas or whatever it is you celebrate as a winter holiday. I'll be back on Boxing Day with another issue, which will also likely be light.
Let's get into it, shall we?
— Evo
Featuring IT SEES YOU WHEN YOU'RE SLEEPING! & SCROOGE: A CHRISTMAS CAROL, + 12 complete series, and 9 finished seasons!
Ho, Ho, holy poop we've got a thick and meaty issue today. Christmas came early, it seems, and my gift to you is a slew of audio fiction shows ready for you to binge over the holidays.
And speaking of gifts, a huge thank you to Travis B for becoming the latest Individual Supporter of The End. Your contribution means a lot, Travis. And the rest of you lot: BE LIKE TRAVIS! Check out the Support page for ways you can help keep The End going strong through 2025—just around the corner!
There are so many shows to list today, imma stop typing now.
Let's get into it, shall we?
- Evo
Featuring DISCOVERING DAD & CANDY CLAUS, PRIVATE EYE + 12 complete series, 6 finished seasons, and 2 season restarts!
🎵 It's the most wonderful time... 🎵 OK, enough of that. You get too much of that in your daily lives. And my preferred Xmas songs are probably not your preferred Xmas songs, so we'll have no more singing, thank you very much.
But it is the start of the Christmas season, along with all the other end-of-year celebrations that we collectively refer to as "Happy Holidays." As such, I'll feature at least one winter holiday-focused show with each newsletter this month, and I'll keep the Christmas Is Coming collection in the Featured Collection sections. Tis the season, yo.
And speaking of gift giving, I need to thank both Philip S and Bill G for becoming Individual Supporters last week! A huge thanks to you both for getting us that much closer to sustainability. I plan on doing a financial report after the first of the year. I'm not trying to get rich off of The End, but it would be hecka nice to cover the hard costs and some of the time expense. You can help just like Philip, Bill, and the other ~40 Individual Supporters and Supporting Creatives, by supporting The End.
It's a packed issue this week thanks in part to a few fans who've been great at submitting their favorite shows to our directory. You can do that too! We're up to 1,060 shows in the directory as of this send. Neat!
Let's get into it, shall we?
- Evo
Featuring THE SKIES ARE WATCHING & IN THE CARDS, + 9 complete series, 8 finished seasons, and 2 season restarts!
Hey, let's just pretend this email went out yesterday like it was supposed to, yeah? I was so caught up in prepping for the family feast that I completely and totally spaced it. It was only around 2:30a when I woke with a grumbling way-too-full belly that I realized I flubbed it. My apologies!
I have several folks to thank for their contributions to the success of the directory. Both Brittney and QueenCam became Individual Supporters, and Philip Catherwood of The Dial-Up fame signed up to become a Supporting Creative! Thanks very much to all three of you. You're decision to support my efforts here at The End made a huge improvement in my mood last week. (And for the rest of you lot: BE LIKE THEM. Check out the Support Page for dirt-cheap was you can keep The End going strong!)
Before I share the updates made in the last 7 days to the directory, I made some improvements to the design of the website. It now should look MUCH better on your mobile devices. I'm not done tweaking, but if you were previously frustrated with the tiny images that tended to overlap, check it out now. It's better. Perfect? Heck no. But I'm getting further along the asymptotic curve!
Let's get into it, shall we ?
- Evo
Featuring LIMBO CALLING & WE FIX SPACE JUNK, + 4 complete series, 5 finished seasons, and 2 season restarts!
My mental health has been poor this week. So if it's OK with you, I'll acknowledge that and make this preamble short.
What could really cheer me up would be you deciding today is the day to support The End. I've purposely made the tiers extremely cheap to make it easy for you to step up. Now is good, yeah?
I'll stop now while I still have gas in the tank, for my day is not over.
Let's get into it, shall we?
- Evo
Featuring SINKHOLE & THE HANDMAID'S TALE, + 5 complete series, 5 finished seasons, and 1 season restarts!
Hey! We're still here! For now. Time to shake off the funk and get this update out to you fine folks. I think you'll find the Featured shows and Featured collections rather inspired.
Speaking of Collections, check out Packhowl's Pack if you need an escape or reflection time. It's filled with tales of worlds beyond or dystopian escapism, and it's our very first Sponsored Collection, and this one is curated by Hannah from Packhowl Media. If you're interested in curating your own Collection, get in touch. We're still working out the kinks, but we'll have all of those resolved quickly. More details will added to the Support page by the end of the week, hopefully.
Let's get into it, shall we?
- Evo
Featuring THE MISTHOLME MUSEUM OF MYSTERY, MORBIDITY, AND MORTALITY & WHO KILLED AVRIL LAVIGNE? + 5 complete series, 2 finished seasons, and 1 season restart!
Yeah... I got nothing after Tuesday night.
Let's get into it, shall we?
- Evo