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The Seneschal - From Netflix and the award-winning Wolf at the Door, an original fiction podcast from Zack Snyder set in the Rebel Moon universe. A mad king, a pair of brilliant inventors, and the story of the first Jimmy. Starring Ella Purnell, Jason Isaacs, Alfred Enoch, Naveen Andrews and Peter Serafinowicz.

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The only listener-focused directory for completed audio fiction.

Explore our directory of fiction podcasts, audio dramas, audiobooks, and radio plays that you can listen to and enjoy at your pace.

With nearly 1,000 listings and dozens of new finales and completions added every week, The End is the comprehensive directory for completed audio fiction shows.

Every listing in The End is either a season finale, a complete season, or is announcing a new season returning soon, complete with helpful listening links direct to most listening apps.

Enter your email address below and get  updated every Thursday as to what shows have been been freshly added, plus some recommendations for your next audio fiction fix!

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Evo Terra
Curator of The End

About The End

The End highlights an overlooked segment of audio fiction: completed stories.

Each issue of our newsletter highlights a combination of audio fiction—mostly in podcast form. Two shows are personal recommendations of mine. Other shows have recently reached a stopping point, and some serialized audio fiction shows are returning soon with a brand new season.

Regardless, those who prefer to control their own listening will know what's ready for their own personal all-they-can-eat buffet of fresh and fabulous audio fiction.

More about Evo Terra
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Subscribe to The End

Enjoy completed audio fiction in podcast, audio drama, and audiobook form on your schedule with our weekly updates of complete audio fiction—either at the series or season level—ready for you to listen to and enjoy at your pace.

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Who's behind The End?

We're a listener-focused directory, and that shows!

Headshot of Evo with big hat, blue striped shirt, against pink background.

Evo Terra

OG Podcaster & Audio Fiction Fan

Evo has been helping evangelize fiction podcasts since 2004.

Thanks to our current supporters: 

The Seneschal
The Seneschal
Ben Paddon
Ben Paddon
Ellen Keating
Ellen Keating
Alex C Telander
Alex C Telander
Charlotte Underwood
Charlotte Underwood
Jaz Garewal
Jeff Gutierrez
Flloyd Kennedy
Brad Hudson
Chris Côté
Meegan May
Anthony Driscoll
Sara J.
Kier Zhou
Philip Thorne
Gavin Gaddis
Joanne Phillips
Tom Bridges
Jordhana Rempel
Celeste Joos
Sarah Pace

What our fans say:

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"The work you do is very helpful for this guy, with limited vision and the eye strain that makes it too difficult to read through endless podcast descriptions searching for the ones of interest. You make it concise and easier to find my next binge show!"

James Cridland's face

James Cridland


"Audio fiction is the very best example of the power of sound: it can take us places, tell amazing stories, and make us experience new things. The End is perfect to find new shows to binge on."

Jeff's Twitter avatar

Jeff Stormer


"THIS IS A GREAT IDEA! Easy, recommendable (and finished!) audio fiction stories, all collected in one place. I love it."

Ella's twitter avatar

Ella Watts


"Genuine shoutout to Evo Terra and The End for becoming my new favourite way to find great new fiction podcasts. Every time I get an email I'm excited to open it, Evo's doing amazing work! (And if you're not already subscribed, do that!!)"

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Richard Mills

Creator, Homicide at Heavensgate

Thanks so much including me in your newsletter! I've noticed a pretty substantial spike in listens and traction since it went live, and I think I owe a majority of that increase to you!

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Ellen Keating

Individual Supporter

It’s been incredible to find your newsletter! I cannot get enough audio fiction but have at times run out of stuff to listen to and have been endlessly frustrated with the cliff hangers. I’m so pleased to have it curated for me! You’re amazing!