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The Seneschal - From Netflix and the award-winning Wolf at the Door, an original fiction podcast from Zack Snyder set in the Rebel Moon universe. A mad king, a pair of brilliant inventors, and the story of the first Jimmy. Starring Ella Purnell, Jason Isaacs, Alfred Enoch, Naveen Andrews and Peter Serafinowicz.

Listen now on your favorite podcast app!

Other Audio Fiction Directories

While we're partial to finished works of audio fiction, there more to that in the world of audio fiction. Like brand new shows that haven't yet reached a season finale. Or shows that are "always on" with no series conclusion in sight. Luckily for you, there are other audio fiction directories curated by people who also care about indexing the the audio fiction landscape.

Logo: Audiodrama Directory
Logo: Audiofiction.co.uk
Black Audio Dramas Exist