Vote For Finished Audio Fiction!

Featuring TERMS & EVERYONE'S HAPPY, + 2 complete series, and 6 finished seasons!
Note: You are viewing an archived newsletter. Some, if not  all, of the show statuses in this ssue may have been updated since this was first published . So when looking at "this week" and "next week" content or reading the next paragraph, keep that in mind. It's not an error. It's the passage of time.

Twitter is now pro-stalker! Blocking trolls, stalkers, and other asshattery will soon be a thing of the past, because everything you post publicly will be seen by everyone. INCLUDING ACCOUNTS YOU'VE BLOCKED!

If Twitter becoming the Nazi bar wasn't enough to get you to switch, this should be.

Come join us at Podvibes and start building (yes, you'll have to rebuild) your social media presence on Mastodon! It's free to join. And we'll soon publish some tips and tricks to make your entry to the Fediverse even better. Sign up today!

Twitter Is Pro-Stalker!
No items found.

Completed or finale'd shows we've recently added to our audio fiction directory.

Thanks to our current supporters: 

Twitter Is Pro-Stalker!
Twitter Is Pro-Stalker!
Alex C Telander
Alex C Telander
Ellen Keating
Ellen Keating
Ben Paddon
Ben Paddon
Charlotte Underwood
Charlotte Underwood
Meegan May
Chris Côté
Gavin Gaddis
Anthony Driscoll
Flloyd Kennedy
Celeste Joos
Philip Thorne
Kier Zhou
Brad Hudson
Sarah Pace
Jordhana Rempel
Sara J.
Jeff Gutierrez
Jaz Garewal
Tom Bridges
Joanne Phillips
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