Title Sponsor

If you need help now, call a crisis hotline to get immediate emergency counseling. Hotlines are staffed by trained volunteers with text and chat often available. There are mental health provider directories and substance use treatment locators available. You can access resources for basic needs such as housing and food.

Text or call 988
Note: You are viewing an archived newsletter. Some, if not  all, of the show statuses in this ssue may have been updated since this was first published . So when looking at "this week" and "next week" content or reading the next paragraph, keep that in mind. It's not an error. It's the passage of time.
It's OK to not be OK

If you need help now, call a crisis hotline to get immediate emergency counseling.

Hotlines are staffed by trained volunteers with text and chat often available.

There are mental health provider directories and substance use treatment locators available.

You can access resources for basic needs such as housing and food.

It's OK to not be OK

Completed or finale'd shows we've recently added to our audio fiction directory.

Thanks to our current supporters: 

It's OK to not be OK
It's OK to not be OK
Ellen Keating
Ellen Keating
Ben Paddon
Ben Paddon
Charlotte Underwood
Charlotte Underwood
Alex C Telander
Alex C Telander
Jeff Gutierrez
Sarah Pace
Jaz Garewal
Celeste Joos
Tom Bridges
Bill G
Kier Zhou
Sara J.
Joanne Phillips
Philip S
Philip Thorne
Jordhana Rempel
Meegan May
Chris Côté
Gavin Gaddis
Flloyd Kennedy
Anthony Driscoll
Brad Hudson