The Signal

Dramatized historical psychological thrillerDramatized historical psychological thriller
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In 1961, at the height of the Cold War, an enigmatic CIA operative investigates the source of a mysterious shortwave signal—generated either by Russian double agents/spies and their handlers or originating from extraterrestrial aliens/UFOs, or both—and systematically tracks the source in order to disrupt the possible activation of a thermonuclear “dead man’s switch.” At the same time, a plucky young woman fights to rescue her younger brother—who has the ability to see alien “insect people”—from the clutches of ill-intentioned “government doctors,” while a dogged radio host in Dayton, Ohio uses his UFO-focused show to expose ongoing government-sanctioned conspiracies to hide the fact that extraterrestrial aliens not only exist, but are already living amongst us.

Created by Cassandra Wells & Charley Randazzo. Written by Cassandra Wells. Produced by Fred Greenhalgh and Marco Palmieri. Executive Producers: Cassandra Wells, Daniel Kaemon, Molly Barton, and Julian Yap. Directed by Charley Randazzo. Post-Production Producer: Daniel Kaemon. Production Manager: Devin Shepherd. Production Coordinator: Angela Yih. Sound Design & Editing: Charley Randazzo. Music by Quiet on the Set. Additional cover art by Heather Mason. Executive in charge for Realm: Mary Assadullahi. Starring Daniel Kaemon as Swan, Perry King as Colonel Sobek, Marta Cross as Becky, Adam J. Smith as Phillips & Michaels, Tracy Winters as Rosemary & Matron & Dr. Elsa, Time Winters as Professor Vanyushin & Farmer, Harry Gwillim as Timmy, Tom Beyer as Dr. Neely and Attendant, Jeff Blumberg as Evan Bell, Mark Irvingsen as Norman Thorne and Uncle Cole, Jaxon Gwillim as Dr. Foley, Jennifer Taub as Nurse and Female Voice and Operator. From the writer of the #1 Podcast OUTLIERS and the new psychological thriller Podcast, GREETINGS FROM SALTON SEA.

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Last finale/final episode published Feb 02, 2024
Directory listing last updated Dec 13, 2024
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