In Strange Woods: A Musical Podcast

Dramatized musical series
Something odd is happening with this show. It has been temporarily pulled from our directory. The show's official website linked below.


A new podcast musical from the producer of The Bright Sessions and creators Jeff Luppino-Esposito, Brett Ryback, and Matt Sav.

After a tragedy in the Whitetail National Forest, 18-year-old Peregrine Wells seeks out survivalist skills from an enigmatic old recluse. In this fictional documentary musical with an original folk-pop score, listeners will follow producer Brett Ryback as he explores themes of grief, adolescence, and our precarious relationship to the wilderness - all set against a sleepy northern Minnesota town reeling from a loss of innocence it will never get back.

In Strange Woods is a production of Atypical Artists. It is created and executive produced by Jeff Luppino-Esposito, Brett Ryback, and Matt Sav.

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Musical podcast!

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Last finale/final episode published Jan 11, 2021
Directory listing last updated May 18, 2024
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