From Now

Dramatized scifi series
Something odd is happening with this show. It has been temporarily pulled from our directory. The show's official website linked below.


A famed lost spaceship, the USS HOPE, returns to Earth after vanishing thirty-five years prior. The lone survivor (Richard Madden) disembarks mysteriously​ looking the exact same age as when he left​. Following the ensuing media chaos, he finally reunites with his formerly identical twin brother (now an old man) for a one-on-one meeting. But what starts as a joyful reconciliation soon leads to dark revelations that threaten their relationship -- and the future of humanity. FROM NOW stars and is Executive Produced by Richard Madden and Brian Cox. Created & Written by Rhys Wakefield and William Day Frank.

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Stars and is Executive Produced by Richard Madden and Brian Cox.

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Last finale/final episode published Jan 25, 2021
Directory listing last updated May 17, 2024
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