ISSUE #54 | published Sep 14, 2023
Time Flies When You're Listening To Finished Audio Fiction!
The Deca Tapes & Passenger List +5 complete stories, 1 season finale, and 11 new seasons coming soon!
Note: You are viewing an archived newsletter. Some, if not all, of the show statuses in this ssue may have been updated since this was first published . So when looking at "this week" and "next week" content or reading the next paragraph, keep that in mind. It's not an error. It's the passage of time.
I need your thoughts and prayers, faithful readers. My mother-in-law is in town. Yes, the struggle is real. (Nah, I'm kidding. I get along great with my mother-in-law. Always have!)
A quick update on the new website and newsletter: I'm making solid progress, but it's a process that I really don't want to rush, so I'm not going to. With luck, I'll have all the kinks ironed out next week. But if not... Not. Pushing it to the end of the month is probably a good idea.
Let's get into it, shall we?
- Evo